Pi Network: Pi Network New Update : Pi Network Price | Value

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Pi Network: Pi Network New Update : Pi Network Price | Value Pi Network: Pi Network New Update : Pi Network Price | Value

PI Network: Pi Network New Update: Pi Network New Price | Pi on BINANCE | Pi Coin Value


Pi network is about to reach 30 million Engaged pioneers Huge growth in the last couple of months Sad news for the miners through 30 million means halving the mining Rewards will be halved on the bright side, we're closer to Starting the "pi network" marketplaces and moving on to Test net.

This growth rate naturally brings in Some questions like how good we're actually doing on the pi network for now and maybe a few others.

Let's put the moderator Role on pi aside and write about some In-depth review as an ordinary member For this post it's a fact that the Average member quality on the pi network has Dropped since we start growing on the Logarithmic curve.

Each wave of new signups is less Informed than the previous ones Could this be a problem for the future Of pi network as it's very much Dependent on quality over quantity.

Pi network will be launching Marketplaces soon members will open Their stores and in-app transfers will Begin That's where we are going to set pi's Price.

Initial price formation will be set by The members of these stores We are going to sell our products and Services on an imaginary pie value we Set ourselves In the end these prices will meet at a Commonly acceptable level across the Network.

That will be more or less the trading Price for pi when we hit the exchanges It comes down to the value-creating Potential of the members.

These latest members who think it is Free money who have desperately been chasing Airdrop campaigns and coming to pi Network with absolutely no information Or idea on what pie is are most likely Have zero to the very little potential of Creating a value as they have nothing to offer at least nothing shiny.

Pi network's main problem is not any Lack of services support or the tech behind it but it's these gravediggers We need to handle this together as a Community.

We can't change the unbanked people's Current situation it's pi's mission But we can help you, under-educated Individuals, by teaching them how this is Going to happen how would it be possible For pi to help their way out how to Create value off of this digital coin On its journey of forming a Cryptocurrency.


Members currently have two methods to Verify their account mobile Facebook Purpose of this verification is proving The ownership of that registration Method mobile registers asked to send a Text message with a four-digit code or Receive it in u.s and Canada and Facebook registers asked to log in via Api to prove the ownership of that Facebook account.

Lately, some eastern and African Countries overseas were having trouble Verifying their mobile numbers as the U.s or UK operators failed to operate Their requests.

That's why we now have an option to Verify via Facebook for mobile users Mobile users can bind their Facebook Accounts with pi and get verified But of course, these are not enough to go Live on marketplaces.

What we need is a KYC-like method and That's where the problems begin The part that all the fake bot multi Multi-accounts take on this huge growth Is cannot be despised.

There should be an accurate solution to Burn all these anomalous pie accumulated For both the secondary and primary Accounts It might look like an easy task but it becomes a serious pain in the asterisk Asterisk when it's scaled to 30 Million Users.

Pi network currently has various Methods on revealing those accounts Some external and some built-in Solutions like security circles upfront Downvote feature human behavior Detection algorithms etc.

Our pie will be safe that's for sure The whole anomalous referral pie and The portion they accumulated for their Mains will be burned But it's bringing us to another unfair Route.

Pycoin has already become very global Its success can really be compared with The success of bigger crypto projects Like ethereum or even bitcoin.

Could Pi Network's Currency Be Costly and Valuable in The Future?

#1 Of course we have done an evidence-based Analysis and examination here and there Is a lot of evidence that showed that pi Networks is at least attempting to build And assemble something of value.

They have published a high-level white Paper outlining their ambitions without Providing technical details.

One of their main points is to have Others build apps on the pi network to Benefit from playing networks' users Attention They are working in operating on Building a developer community to build apps on their platform which can add value to their platform.

This really means that the pi network Has a lot of possibilities and it can be used in various ways Its founders are famous Stanford Graduates and their names are known so Everything related to this project is Transparent and that is one of the reasons that we believe this project Will be a success.

#2 The second reason might be that the Project itself and its users are Collecting money for the project from Other donors instead of the miners.

None of the users or miners are giving Any money into the project So basically if you start mining pi coin You need to invest nothing.

#3 The third reason why this project is Very successful is that Stanford University is ranked second in the world Leader in blockchain technology.

#4 The fourth reason is the ecological Construction of the coin They have a dedicated team that works For their ecosystem and everything Around it.

There is no other cryptocurrency that Has the same thing.

#5 The next reason is its usability with The pi network market or pm this coin is The first one in the world with a real Value and real user case scenarios.

You might not know about the pm but this Is a real thing and it does exist pi Network market consists of several Entrepreneurs cryptocurrency enthusiasts And individual experts to develop the pi Ecosystem.

All with one goal to help make the dream Of pi network reality They are saying if you were invited into Pie you have the ability as pioneers to Use coins and they are playing an important role in creating a new pi Based crypto world pi network market Seems to serve as a trading platform for Pioneers in all countries across the Globe.

Aiming and building pi's economy gives Users the freedom to transfer pi between Their pi network and pi network market Account with no additional fees.

Their goal is to assist the wider pi Network community in realizing its Philanthropic goal of enabling the Everyday person and those in rural communities to have full control and access To their finances.

All users may participate in auctions That are facilitated by the pi network Market community.

By bidding their pie specifying their Franchises and pi network transactions Ensures a steady flow within the pi Based economy exchangeability for all Crypto and fiat currencies.

Pi network market seeks to give its users the ability to exchange pie coins All accredited major crypto and fiat currencies will be added to the platform Actually this is one of the main reasons Why pi coin is going to become very big In the world.

Basically, the pi application is going to Be connected with the pi network market Which is very similar to the amazon and Alibaba concept.

Instead of them using fiat Currencies the pi app is uses the pi Coin and it can be used for buying goods And services. and if you like to join our team Just Register on True this link and submit our referral Code And get Free Pi coins

Referral Link - Click Here


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