Automate Like4Like Website Actions with JavaScript

Headding for Android

Free In English V 1.0.2



This JavaScript script is designed to automate interactions on Like4Like websites. It clicks buttons, waits for elements to appear, and automatically likes posts to streamline engagement.


Automates Like Button ClicksWaits for Elements Before ClickingHandles Delays to Mimic Human BehaviorCloses Tabs After Completing Actions

How It Works

  • Waits for Earn Points Button: Clicks .earn_pages_button when available.
  • Delays 30 Seconds: Waits before proceeding to the next action.
  • Clicks Like Button: Finds and clicks like elements across platforms.
  • Closes the Tab: After completing the action, the script closes the window.
  • Repeats Every 35 Seconds: Runs continuously to automate the process.

How to use

To use this script on Google Chrome, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Chrome Developer Tools

  1. Open Google Chrome and go to the Like4Like website or any target website.
  2. Press F12 or Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect to open Developer Tools.

Step 2: Open the Console Tab

  1. In Developer Tools, click on the Console tab.

Step 3: Paste the Script

  1. Copy the JavaScript code from the article.
  2. Paste it into the Console and press Enter.

Step 4: Let the Bot Run

  1. The script will start clicking the Like buttons automatically.
  2. It will repeat the process every 35 seconds.
  3. The bot will also close new tabs after liking posts.

Alternative: Use a Chrome Extension for Automation

If you want the script to run automatically without opening the Console each time, you can:
✅ Use Tampermonkey extension to run the script automatically.
✅ Create a Bookmarklet to execute the script with one click.

Let me know if you need a detailed guide on setting up Tampermonkey! 🚀

Usage & Considerations

🔴 For Like4Like Websites – Automates the liking process. 🔴 Use Responsibly – Avoid overuse to prevent detection. 🔴 Adjust Selectors if Needed – Websites may change frequently.


This JavaScript bot automates likes on Like4Like websites, making the process easier and faster. Customize it as needed and use it wisely! 🚀

Password : techzone2025
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